Golden Hills Turquoise oval necklace in gold

Regular price $235.00 Save $-235.00

This special stone is Kazakhstan Turquoise, or Golden Hills Turquoise. A rare color for turquoise, Golden Hills Turquoise comes from a deposit in the Altyn Tyube mine in Kazakhstan. These stunning gems have a light blue hue to them, and a reddish, burnt umber matrix. The Kazakhstan turquoise exceeds many others in terms of uniqueness and rarity. The light blue color contrasting the dark web-like matrix give it brilliant depth, and make it a perfect addition to Your collection. The turquoise deposit was found most recently in 2013 and was notably featured at the Tucson Gem and Jewelry show in January of 2014.

Golden Hills turquoise is some of the most chemically pure turquoise to be found in the world, and its color and consistency is one of the most vibrant and durable. Increasing in popularity.


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Turquoise, birthstone for December...
-Master Healer-
The most legendary of all the stones, the Turquoise crystal has reached rock star status in the world of healing minerals.

One of the first gemstones to be mined, the Turquoise crystal meaning was considered a sacred stone by the Native Americans, who used it as a powerful healing tool for creating a connection between heaven and Earth. On a cellular level, this all-in-one stone is considered a master healer because it promotes an energetic flow of the highest vibration of love. ✨

In crystal healing, the Turquoise crystal stone meaning is associated with personal protection, making it a popular protective shield for ancient warriors heading out into battle. ✨

Wherever you happen to be on your journey, let Turquoise be your welcome oasis in a spiritual desert, a stone with energetic vibrations linked to the life-giving elements of water and air.✨

Golden Hills Turquoise oval necklace in gold
Golden Hills Turquoise oval necklace in gold
Golden Hills Turquoise oval necklace in gold
Golden Hills Turquoise oval necklace in gold